Join Us!

The Mid-Willamette Valley Tourism Summit & MOPO Awards brings-together marketing and tourism stakeholders for valuable conversation, education, networking and resources focused on driving economic impact into the region. Join us as we honor the area's tourism industry stakeholders whose ideas and innovative partnerships drove economic impact in Salem and the Mid-Willamette Valley. We hope to see you on November 20, 2024 from 11:30am to 3:00pm to be a part of this exciting event returning to downtown Salem!

* All registrants automatically entered to win two roundtrip flights from Salem-Willamette Valley Airport compliments of Avelo Airlines!


Additional Attendees (optional)

If you are registering additional attendees, please make sure to adjust ticket quantity at checkout.

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Guest Speaker

Educational Sessions

2024 Award Winners

The Most Buzzworthy Award

Flying Bee Ranch

The Most Tip-Top Award

Escalada de árboles en Silver Falls

The Most Transformative Award

Keizer Rapids Park

The Most Proud Award

Falls City Pride

The Most Oregon Part of Oregon Award

TJ Sullivan


Anton Cobb

Director of Insights & Industry Relations

Dr. Chance White Eyes

Director of Tribal Relations

Andrew Shepherd

Social Media & Video Content Producer

Addi Guskey

Web Developer and Social Media Specialist

Nhi Duong

Marketing Specialist

Matt Smith

The Holman Hotel

Dean Craig

Willamette Workforce Partnership

Kaitlyn Curtis

The Grand Hotel

Debbie McCune

Viajar a Salem